Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Auf Wiedersehen, First Loose Tooth!

Baylor has had a loose tooth for nearly a month now.  It all started when we noticed his teeth starting to shift rather dramatically.  He developed an odd space between his bottom right front tooth and the one to the right of it, a space that ended up being so large that it looked like he had lost a tooth already.  Then, one night while I was brushing his teeth, I noticed that a brand new tooth was already coming in ... behind the open space!  (Yes, the parent in me instantly shuttered at the thought of braces now looming in our future.)  We already knew that bottom right front tooth was a bit loose, but now it was REALLY loose.  Still, he nursed that thing for weeks, and I was constantly convinced that today was the day it would come out only to end up disappointed.

Yesterday, with his tooth so loose he could bend it forward at a 90 degree angle with ease, he bit his tongue really bad.  After I got him calmed down, I asked him for what seemed like the hundredth time if I could pull his tooth out for him, but this time he said yes!!  (He had said yes previously but had almost instantaneously retracted it after he thought about it a second longer.)  He was a bit apprehensive about it, so I offered to let him watch a Wild Kratts episode while I did it, and he was completely on board with the idea.  One of his cub scout buddies had told him a bit about the episode we were about to watch and he wanted me to wait for a particular part, so I snapped a before picture of him while I waited.

And then ...

(The little "ouch" you hear in the video is because I accidentally pinched his lip against one of his non-loose teeth.  Rookie mistake.)

Ta da!  Super loose tooth gone!

Afterward he commented that it didn't hurt at all and that when his next tooth gets loose and I ask him if I can pull it out, he will answer with an enthusiastic, "Yes!"

Surprisingly, he did not want to write a letter to the tooth fairy (he wants to write a letter to him/her because he has been informed that the tooth fairy will only write you a letter if you write one first) so he could put out his tooth and get a reward for it last night, so I guess he's planning on doing that today.  We'll see!

No matter what, I am so proud of him for getting over his fear of the possible pain and letting me get that tooth out of there.

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